Michael W. Parker, Sr., LTCR, Ph.D./DSW, BCD (Board Certified Diplomate), Lieutenant Colonel – US Army Retired, is the founding principal and the Executive Director of the James Houston Center for Faith and Successful Aging. He has active collaborations with interdisciplinary teams of faculty and directors of late life ministries around the world.  He is a retired Professor from the University of Alabama and has held an appointment as Adjunct Professor with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics and Palliative Care and currently serves as a Research Associate with the Duke Center on Spirituality, Health, & Theology. He completed a prestigious post-doctoral fellowship in Gerontology at the University of Michigan funded by the National Institute on Aging. Dr. Parker has over 90-peer highly referenced, scientific articles on spirituality, aging, and caregiving.  He served as Co-PI & Co-investigator on the NIA-funded R01 UAB Study of Aging and was a John A. Hartford Foundation Geriatric Social Work Scholar (2001-03) and Mentor (2011-13). He is co-author with Dr. Houston on A Vison for the Aging Church. The Center web is: www.jameshoustoncenter.com; Our Email Addresses are: mwparker@jameshoustoncenter.com; or mwparker00@gmail.com or mwparker@sw.ua.edu by phone at (205 344 2569), S-mail, The James Houston Center for Faith & Successful Aging, 1678 Montgomery Hwy, Ste 104#337, Birmingham, Alabama 35216