Rick Chamiec-Case, Ph.D., MSW, MAR has been the executive director of the North American Association of Christians in Social Work since 1997. A graduate of Fordham University, the University of Connecticut School of Social Work, Yale Divinity School, and Wheaton College, Dr. Chamiec-Case’s research and scholarship are in the areas of spirituality in the workplace, the ethical integration of Christian faith and social work practice, and faith-based social services. He has been the managing editor of Social Work and Christianity since 1997. Dr. Chamiec-Case taught from 2008 - 2011 as an adjunct professor of social work at Nyack College, and prior to that, was as an assistant professor of social work at Calvin College from 2006 – 2008. Before working for NACSW, he was Senior Vice President at ARI of Connecticut, whose mission it is to provide homes, jobs, and opportunities for people with disabilities and their families. Dr. Chamiec-Case has been married for 35 years, and has two adult children, Linda and Elizabeth, along with Anna, a niece who lived with his family for much of her life.